Our Team

Cameron Ramaekers

Web Developer

When Cameron’s parents gave him a video camera to play with, they unwittingly set his future career in motion. He and his friends made YouTube videos in their “office” – his parents’ closet – and in junior high, he was editing video as part of his school’s news team. He went on to study Interactive Digital Media at Northwest Missouri State. Recognizing a need to be more marketable, he added coding classes his sophomore year and discovered he had a passion for both. Design appealed to his right brain; coding and math, to his left.

Since graduating in 2014, Cameron has worked for large advertising firms and has established his own freelance business, discovering that his peak productivity occurs between midnight and 2 am. As DayCloud’s web developer, he turns design into working websites. He loves the focused yet open, creative atmosphere at the studio and shares DayCloud’s vision of Omaha as a vibrant and progressive community.

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